Foster Forms
Please download and fill out the form below accordingly, and e-mail it to, we will be in touch with you upon review! Thank you for taking the time to consider being a part of our Foster Family!
Foster Application and Contract
What can I expect as a Foster?
When you become a foster, you will most likely meet with one of the MCAR Board Members to pick up your new roommate! They come with a collar, a leash, and a bag(s) of food that is vet reccomended (especially if they have a condition), and a briefing on their personality, what they might like and not like. While you have your new friend in your care, you must always have them on a leash outside, no exceptions. You can find a list of do's and don'ts on the Foster Application form.
HOWEVER, you are encouraged to introduce them to other animals, and kiddos if they are willing, give them plenty of pets, snuggles, and love, and most importantly show them compassion and patience during their time with you because remember, they are going through a lot of big changes! MCAR does cover any vet care/vet visits, medications, and food while the animal is in your foster care.
Throughout the time you are caring for the animal, MCAR will be spreading the word about needing an adopter, sharing pictures of the animal (so yes, you have to take plenty of pictures), and filtering through applications to make sure they find the best fit for the animals new home. Once they do, in coordination with you, a meeting will be set up for the new potential family and you to get together so they can meet the animal. During this time, tell them everything you think is important they should know about their new family member, let them play with them, or walk around with them! If the meet and greet goes well, your foster is ready to go home with his or her new family! If so, you have officially placed your furry companion with it's awesome new forever home! Then, you will get ready for the next one!
Why should I apply to be a Foster?
"I foster because it is the most rewarding experience to be part of a rescue dog's journey to their new home. You get to meet families that are so loving and appreciative to have found the perfect dog, and that feeling is amazing. To know that you have been a part of making that happen; it's an indescribable feeling"
- Jes Vaillancourt, Foster since 2021
Jes has fostered 30 dogs and counting!